Monday, June 30, 2014

Soles4Souls bounces back

Greetings Friends!
   Yesterday and article was released about the amazing work Soles4Souls has been doing. Being one of the top non-profit's to work for in 2014 named by Non-profit times, Soles4Souls is taking powerful steps to wear out poverty!

"International shoe charity Soles4Souls hired a new CEO, recruited heavy hitters to its board of directors and launched a marketing plan that moved a once-understated enterprise to the forefront.
And today, the Nashville-area nonprofit is announcing a 43 percent increase in net assets......."

Read full article in link above!

Below is a re-cap of the #Countdown #ByTheNumbers including the AMAZING 30 day "Kick-Off" collage feature people across the globe who are "Team Maggi Thorne Mrs. Great Plains International Soles4Souls"....anyone can change a life with the simple gift of shoes!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

American Ninja Warrior

Before writing anything else, a HUGE thank you to the producers and casting crew of American Ninja Warrior for the opportunity. There are soooooo many amazing athletes and good hearted people in the world and to be selected as one of the 125 for our region our of only 5 regions is such an honor I am truly grateful for. Thank you!

Well friends, by now you have either seen my fall or this is how you are finding out that yes, the first obstacle took me out!

How did it happen? Simple....Overconfidence.

Normally in competitions I get so nervous...extremely focused, kind of off on my own and pacing around. No moment is taken for granted. Every step is one at a time.

As they called my name when waiting in the holding area, I was doing sprints, jumping up and down and finding a place to take a knee and say a prayer. Riled up more than you can imagine before competing. My mental preparation was in overdrive...I could literally see myself hitting the buzzer at the top of the warped wall, arms up in victory. Pointing at my son in the stands with tears of joy. Hmmm.  That was not reality.

I stepped up to the start. Crowd cheering, waving and greeting them back (What an awesome crowd by the way, Denver has great people and I appreciate everyone who came to watch! ). I took deep slow breaths in anticipation of my name being called as you cannot start the course until the buzzer sounds. Quintuple steps? PIECE OF CAKE I thought to myself. My legs are stronger than strong, my agility amazing and I did steps like those at Worlds Toughest Mudder for 24 hours....first obstacle, not a problem rattled around in my mind as I approached the stairs to take the helm.

Horn sounds. At the crisp cold hour of 2am with a slight breeze in the 32 degree weather, I launched to the first quintuple step, then the next...and the next annnnnnnnd......splash.

WHAT? What just happened. As my arms scraped down the side of the step, no where to grip in site I could not believe it. Fail. All the build up, all the hype and one big splash.

Overconfidence. I could find plenty of excuses if I allowed myself of why I did not make it past 3 steps, but I refuse to live in a life of looking back and not taking responsibility for a failure. Lets look at that word one second further....I also don't believe in it. As Thomas Edison said, " I have not failed...I just found 10,000 ways to successfully not do something" when he talked about his repeated attempts to invent the light bulb.  So, Denver American Ninja Warrior was just me figuring out how to successfully not do the quintuple steps. Time to keep moving forward because at the end of the day....there are millions of people that needs shoes on their feet and love in their hearts! #GiveShoesGiveLove

I cannot thank everyone nearly enough for all of the support, encouragement and belief in me to make it through the course. That course has a piece of my heart on it and next year Lord willing I will try to reclaim it and hit that buzzer for Soles4Souls....for my family, my brother, my best friend, for you.

Never ever be afraid to try something. It was a risk to try American Ninja Warrior. It was do or die in front of millions of people, but to take a chance for Soles4Souls...worth it. Falling in freezing water in front of world wide audience. yes please, because now they know...and you know of a hope for a new day tomorrow and more chances.

 A personal thank you to Noah Tal Kaufman, AKA NinjaDoc and his wife for  allowing Charlie and I to stay there along with some others while getting ready to compete. The Kaufman's are just really, really good genuine people. One more note to all the competitors I met, ALL of you are wonderful and amazing. You inspire me!

Here are a few fun pictures from the journey:

Thank you to Jesse Graff who helped me train, she is amazing, watch out for her next year on American Ninja Warrior! A Huge thank you as well to At Dunn and Chelsea Cooley Altman from Toned To Win who helped prep me physically and mentally. They are amazing at what they do!

Climbing is a must training for ANW

Lots of climbing. Lots of blisters.Worth it.

This is what hours....and hours of training late at night result in. There is not a funner person to train with than this woman!

Heading out to Denver mother's day weekend with my family cheering me on :)

Charlie and I making our way over the Colorado border

Ready for producer interviews
Behind the scenes interviews, fun crew

Denver lunch date competition prep

Training Fun pre-event

Competition day lunch with fellow competitors
"Ninja Cowboy" showing Charlie how it is done :)
Filming pre competition
Resting up before we go. We did not film until after sunset, so we had a while!

Post competition...still smiling! Until next year friends! #GiveShoesGiveLove

Advantage of not making finals....Spending the day hiking in Colorado with your son. Love Him!

Cheering on the other competitors the next night for finals with some really amazing people who are fun to hang with!

There it is....the Ninja Warrior Experience!
Thank you for your support of Soles4Souls and my family!
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Track Spike

I am so excited to share some wonderful news with you friends!!!!  This week's by the numbers countdown come is featuring the number 16. Why this number?

In October that will be the number of women in El Capitan's High School's Hall of Fame after I am inducted! Yes, you read it right, I am SO honored and blessed to join such an elite group of women and men from my high school in San Diego.

 When I received the news from Sandy Martinez who is a former teacher, and someone considered a mentor to me who paved the path for many women at El Capitan, I fell to my knees in gratitude.
There have been tens of thousands of wonderful, deserving young students who have walked the halls of El Capitan. Fellow students who poured their hearts out in their sports, as a part of the student body and in the classrooms. As someone who is a loyalist, yes I still bleed the black and gold of my high school alma matter! Go Vaqueros!

 I am excited to make the trip this October back to the halls of good ole EC. Even more exciting is to see Sandy Martinez. Why is she so special?  From the moment I met her she was someone who I connected with. She was always encouraging. Always. If there is a teacher people should learn to be a role model from, it is her. Motivating me to not be afraid to take chances, encouraging me to run for the role of club president's, associated student body and inspiring me to run my heart out as she did when she was at El Capitan. One day nearing my last days of High School, she gave me something. As I opened the box and looked inside it was a single track spike on a chain. Grasping it in to my palm, she told me it's story.

When Sandy was in High School at El Capitan, she became one of the first women to compete in sports. How scary that must have been! I am sure there were differences in opinions of what a girl should or shouldn't do, but if we stopped when we faced adversity, where would we be?
  This spike was from her track shoes when she broke a school record. She made one of them in to a necklace. I am not sure Sandy knows how much of an impact that small token meant to me. I am a person who LOVES when people make a thoughtful gift. My affection cannot be purchased and to me, this is one of the most priceless items I will ever own while on earth.
  What Sandy probably does not know is I wore this when racing in college and to this day keep it in my jewelry box to look at often as a reminder to never doubt and how much someone believed in me.

Senior year track banquet surrounded by the coaching squad. Sandy Martinez to the right of me with dark hair.

Our high school hurdle squad
All of the track shoes from my career at El Capitan posing for senior year
Oh, the memories. Graduation day in 1999!!!

Follow every single dream you have. Every single one...and of course, Never Give Up.

With deep gratitude to my alma matter, El Capitan,
  Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014


Greetings friends!
  Along with a weekly re-cap of last week's #ByTheNumbers , I wanted to let you know about one of Soles4Souls wonderful partners Sevenly. They will donate $7 to Soles4Souls with every item purchased! Help us Wear Out Poverty and put shoes on the nearly 1 Billion children without any #GiveShoesGiveLove and the shirts are awesome as well!

 Have a wonderful week!
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Week in Review #Countdown