Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Igniting Hope

On some accounts, I can think of every person who helped my kids and I through 2017, from friends who raked my yard with us for 6 hours, gifting me AAA since my car kept breaking down, or being a part of community programs like food net to get groceries. I knew it was a time in life when I needed Hope from other people and definitely their help. 

  I am beyond excited to now bring HOPE to other with Convoy of Hope feedONE initiative. Click Here to find out about feedONE

We will begin traveling to help support their efforts with a simple gift of $10/month feeds a child for the ENTIRE month, provides farmer education and womens empowerment!  Join me on the Convoy of Hope journey to help hungry children around the world bringing smiles and nutrition :) 

Be the Spark,


Thursday, January 18, 2018

The True New YOU

In 2013 I started a Blog Journey sharing my life journey and along the way started to really discover God's purpose. Many endeavors have accompanied me the last 5 years, but 2017 was a year of not just coming back, but crawling back to life (some days literally).
   I'd love to say these blogs will be weekly, but I've learned to take it a little easier on myself the last couple years. My hope is to share experiences that might help someone else fulfill their own unique purpose, laugh a little more at themselves as a parent (specifically my single parent friends who I've come to realize are amongst the strongest on the planet). I'm not grammatically correct, but strive for transparency in sharing struggles.
   So here we go 2018, the raw look at life at 36, Divorced (used to be hard to say that word) Mom of 3 Ninja Spartan who is not just rising up, but by God's Grace Igniting Hope once again with some pretty awesome kiddos and friends alongside life.
    Be The Spark ;)


Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Hello Friends! The journey the last couple years has been amazing, joyful, rough, and many times was hard to put into words.....but I'm trying again! 

Keep on the lookout for more blogs to come!

 Rise Up!


Monday, February 23, 2015

The Crowning Moment!

Mrs. International 2014 Crowning: http://youtu.be/XvJuHdUw-jY

This will always be the greatest honor in my life to be crowned Mrs. International 2014 with so many absolutely amazing, courageous women and now sisters by my side.

  If you would have asked me just a few years ago when in the midst of building construction projects "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" , this likely would not have been on my list. Once I heard about International Pageants and the platform focus and saw what was possible to serve others, to be a champion for a cause and see the hearts of people around the world, it was an easy decision to pursue joining a legacy standing nearly 3 decades.

  Could I have easily told myself "I'm not enough" or "Don't work so hard" , "You're not experienced enough", etc? Absolutely. BUT.....everyday God told me "You are enough", "You are strong" , "Be Courageous" . It's not a crown and sash, it's an OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime to serve and connect with others like you never imagined. Can I still serve others without it and would I if I didn't win? Absolutely. Being a part of a prestigious organization like International Pageants elevated our efforts with Soles4Souls to an extended global outreach. Pageantry is a humbling experience, standing in front of crowds sharing your soul with every second being an opportunity to bring hope, bring love and bring awareness for your passion....your platform.

This moment is dedicated to my brother and best friend Susan. The loss of their lives has forever shaped how I operate while on earth. Their funerals a daily thought on my mind and watching their graves go in to the ground part of the fuel for my fire to love people.

    I'm a little girl who grew up in my brothers hand me down clothes, no one ever showed me how to use makeup and based on my family's history, could have easily gone down a dark path. Light was brought into my life through Grace and I have never looked back. We are all given one basic equality in life and that it choice. Every single second I am glad for the fire that was placed inside me to choose to live beyond my circumstances, NEVER letting them define me, but taking the path of few, a path that you don't know where it leads to, but YOU are called to follow with faith and courage with all of your heart.

  That is what I did in 2014. Sacrifice, commitment, faith. I'm never asking anyone to full understand my decision to join the International Pageants Family, but I do ask for you to believe in yourself and all that you are capable of, to take risks and have faith. Choose happiness, work hard and of course Never Give Up. One more thing...don't forget to sparkle <3

<3 Mrs. International 2014

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Countdown!

Can you believe it is SO close to Mrs. International 2015?! The time has flown by and thank you all for continuing to join the journey!

While the countdown continues, here are some tips and tricks! Remember International Pageants is on YouTube as well!


Preparing for Mrs. International in the Final Months

Time will fly these next few months and before you know it we will be at orientation finally meeting everyone in person (which I am really looking forward to meeting ALL of you face to face!!!). From the moment you arrive to the minute someone is crowned Mrs. International 2015 (and the following week Miss Teen International 2015 and Miss International 2015), you will blink and it will be over. For one of you, the journey once you are crowned will be even quicker. 

Thorough Preparation is critical for these 3 reasons:
  • Being as effective of a queen as possible for your platform and the International Pageant system
  • Confidence building. It is amazing knowing everything that is set in place (while still being flexible to change, let’s face it, while having a plan is critical, the more critical component is being adaptable). It’s astounding how an organized checklist can clear our mind to stay focused and effective! I am a HUGE list person, a must for daily life in our world.
  • We are on the GO when in Jacksonville and rest is a must. When you show up prepared, when we do have downtime, you can rest with ease instead of doing last minute tasks. 
Here is a checklist I used both years for competing that you may find useful, but I would encourage you to make your own also, as no two queens are the same.

To See the Checklist, visit here:


Live what you Love!


Your Mrs. International 2014


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Rewind...Thank YOU!

Thank you for being a part of my year and supporting Soles4Souls to wear out poverty! Happy New Year to you and your family!
  Your Mrs. International 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  Mrs. International 2014
Maggi Thorne