Friday, January 17, 2014

What's YOUR word?

    At the start of the year, our church challenged everyone to set some goals and have some keys words to focus on for 2014.

   So many times we can get wrapped up in a laundry list of items to get done or checked off a  magical list, but can feel discourages when that checklist sits with so many empty box's. I know I've certainly been there!

   This week we had Internationally recognized  author Jon Gordon speak at my work to our team. His focus was on "What's YOUR word"? This reminded me of the challenge from our church and did not take me long to re-affirm what my word for 2014 is: Sacrifice.

International Best Selling Author Jon Gordon

  As 2013 rounded out and 2014 approached, it was put on my heart that tough decisions and alot of choices would have to be made in 2014. First and foremost I want to be a better Mom. At the end of 2013 I was a bit spent and have had to negotiate time better, and focusing when in the moment with family. My phone goes on the counter when I get home and does not come out until the kids are in bed. Next, since competing in elite races is a part of my platform support for Soles4Souls, I have had to tighten up my training and live it out 24/7. Supporting Soles4Souls is in how I sleep, eat and live. Sacrifice is a common word in athletics and can come down to sacrificing our comfort zone, our security and our bodies. The picture of the below quote is what is on the top left hand side of my computer screen so I can look at it every day. Being a student-athlete at the University of Nebraska set the table for me as a student-athlete....and left me hungry for more in life outside of college athletics. Last year was when God really put on my heart that I could take everything learned and the abilities entrusted with, and use it for a bigger picture to help others than would ever be able to understandable...but I had to trust, and make sacrifices.


  I don't know what the true impact will ever be for the groups that allow me to work with them...but I know tomorrow, and the next day and so forth, I will wake up and daily make a decision to choose others over myself and focus on one word: Sacrifice.

So what do you think...What is YOUR word?

For resources and tools from Jon Gordon, visit his website here:  

Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014,

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