Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Have you ever wanted an opportunity for someone to appear in your life and help you live your dreams day in and day out? Steve and Heidi Warren along with many others are doing that everyday in Omaha.

 Last week I was fortunate to be included in the Big D.R.E.A.M. weekend and we had a jam packed 3 days of events. This weekend was their major annual fundraiser, but the most impactful part of the weekend was hearing about the D.R.E.A.M. program and the 500 youth they serve everyday.

D.R.E.A.M. stands for Developing Relationships through Education Athletics and Mentoring.

 Seeing so many for student-athletes supporting the cause was exciting in itself, but my favorite night was bowling at Sempecks. Each person involved with D.R.E.A.M. as a "Celebrity Guest" bowler was paired with a lane. Throughout the night, we rotated lanes and were fortunate enough to interact with  the lane sponsors and hear about why they support D.R.E.A.M. and about their lives as well.

 Between gutter balls, strikes and spares, we all made many friends. The real win is what the program will be able to continue to do for the youth of Omaha and beyond. If you ever want to see someone with a passion to help others deep in their heart, you need to meet Steve Warren.

   As something that was a dream of his own to help others and give back to the community, it is now flourishing because of his families hard work, dedication and commitment. That Nebraska student-athlete mentality is living in him still.

Some of the pictures from the weekend below. To find out more about the D.R.E.A.M. program, visit

Night one kick-off Celebrity Guests group photo

Steve Warren, the founder of D.R.E.A.M.

A packed house. They sold out all of their lanes one month ahead of the event. Get your lanes for next year now :)

One of the Celebrity Guests, Jerrell Pippens celebrating with his lane

This particular lane became like a family to me, so welcoming and a wonderful heart for D.R.E.A.M.
NFL Tight End Niles Paul and I decided to trade roles. NFL here I come. He better start training in 5" heels!
A highlight of my night bowling, seeing a former teammates brother and he was my first lane!

  We all have dreams, and I once heard that a graveyard is the wealthiest place in the world because of so many unpursued dreams get laid to rest.

  What a wonderful program to have in our state to help the youth of Nebraska make their dreams a reality. I have had mentor's who gave me a chance, walked beside me through everything and pushed me beyond capabilities though possible to help shape what I am today. This is why programs like this are so important in our communities.

Who has helped you live your dream? Have you helped another with theirs?

Dream on friends...

Maggi :)
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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