Thursday, April 3, 2014

Exposed Roots...

 If you were expecting a hair care lesson for this blog, this one is about some different roots.
Typically I am chomping at the bit to write another blog, I love to write and share a story of others journeys or a peek into the journey you have joined me on.

Last week was different. My mind was drawing a blank on what to write. How is this possible I thought?! We were in Honduras, had already visited many villages and children, but writers block  swallowed me like a wave in the ocean that surrounded us.

 That was until we went to one of our last village's. After traveling to TeleProgreso, we went to the seaside village of Barravieja, in northern Honduras.

Most might call it primitive in a comparable sense to "our" culture, but I prefer simple. They were genuinely some of the happiest people I have ever seen. Their homes were small straw shacks, one community vehicle to take children to school and of course, one soccer field (soccer fields are everywhere in Honduras!)

The village soccer field. It was amazing to play soccer with these kids next to the ocean!

As we prepared to hand out shoes, our guide Raul pulled me aside and signaled for me to follow him. As we tromped through what was undoubtedly someone's yard, as the slope of the hill came to it's peak, just yards away waves were crashing at our feet. What Beauty!

Their daily diet? Fish, rice and fruit or vegetables they harvest. Their focus? Community togetherness

Everyone was accepted and treated equally in their community. They spoke 3 languages, Spanish, Garifuna and some English. This little piece of Heaven was so tucked away and defenitely off of a beaten path, so how did they get there?

We met the community "mama" and she shared their story with us.....

Originally slaves brought over by the British in the 1800's, they were traded to the French upon nearing the Carribean. The french decided to keep the ones with light skin and light eyes and exhile the others. This is where they landed and have been since.  A simple story, but they all knew their roots.

As we distributed shoes, the children, even ones who could barely walk were patient and ready to let the youngest goes first.

Our guide Raul and the Village Leader explaining the plan of action

Children lined up anxiously awaiting new shoes

This little cutie just captured my heart, so sweet!

Some young ladies patiently awaiting their turn to get fitted for shoes

Here it comes...the village leader as a thank you took us out on a boat on a beautiful lake. The lake where they fish or just have fun. As other villagers prepared the boat adding seats, wiping it down. some pretty royal treatment, we squeezed in to child size life vests one by one slipping in to the boat (some of us literally).

As the boat treaded water and the Honduran sun kissed my skin, my attention drew to the roots of the surrounding trees. All of the trees roots were exposed. It was beautiful, peaceful and they were flourishing!

That moment I realized why I had writers block...this minute had been waiting to happen!
  Isn't  that like us, the moment we realize who we really are and expose our roots so to speak, we flourish.

 The village we visited, all of those people, they know their roots, who they are....and they are happy!

 How wonderful is it to live a life being your genuine self? Are yours roots exposed? Are you flourishing?

Flourish on friends!

Warm Regards,
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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