Monday, June 9, 2014

The Countdown: "The Team" Week 2 Re-Cap

 Thank you for joining this journey friends! Week 2 of the re-cap is here and I am SO excited to share about "The Team" . These are people who are the experts of all experts and clear the way so I can focus on the most important matter of all: Soles4Souls. Instead of spending hours worrying about the right dress, days writing our the best meal plan or even or stressting about my hair and makeup, everyone below is a HUGE part of this journey. They are a blessing more than they will ever know and in a platform based pageant like the International Pageant system it is so exciting to truly spend a great deal of time serving Soles4Souls. Rounding out The Team is of course my family. If my family cannot be a part of something and walk by my side in it, then it is not for me. The International Pageant system and Soles4Souls has become my extended family who loves me as me and is always extremely encouraging. 
Warm Wishes and Many Smiles,
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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