Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Countdown!

Can you believe it is SO close to Mrs. International 2015?! The time has flown by and thank you all for continuing to join the journey!

While the countdown continues, here are some tips and tricks! Remember International Pageants is on YouTube as well!


Preparing for Mrs. International in the Final Months

Time will fly these next few months and before you know it we will be at orientation finally meeting everyone in person (which I am really looking forward to meeting ALL of you face to face!!!). From the moment you arrive to the minute someone is crowned Mrs. International 2015 (and the following week Miss Teen International 2015 and Miss International 2015), you will blink and it will be over. For one of you, the journey once you are crowned will be even quicker. 

Thorough Preparation is critical for these 3 reasons:
  • Being as effective of a queen as possible for your platform and the International Pageant system
  • Confidence building. It is amazing knowing everything that is set in place (while still being flexible to change, let’s face it, while having a plan is critical, the more critical component is being adaptable). It’s astounding how an organized checklist can clear our mind to stay focused and effective! I am a HUGE list person, a must for daily life in our world.
  • We are on the GO when in Jacksonville and rest is a must. When you show up prepared, when we do have downtime, you can rest with ease instead of doing last minute tasks. 
Here is a checklist I used both years for competing that you may find useful, but I would encourage you to make your own also, as no two queens are the same.

To See the Checklist, visit here:


Live what you Love!


Your Mrs. International 2014


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