Monday, February 17, 2014

Travel4Souls...Destination hope and joy

If you could distribute shoes and bring joy to an orphanage, school or village in need...would you?

One of the "legs" so to speak that reaches out across the globe of Soles4Souls is their Travel4Souls program. I had the opportunity to travel to Haiti under this umbrella with an amazing team of 16 where we distributed over 1,400 shoes and even more joy!

If your travel plans are not set for this year, I would encourage you to learn about the life changing Travel4Souls program and consider making a trip of your own!

The Soles4Souls website shares this description of the program:
Soles4Souls Travel creates lifelong ambassadors of change by providing opportunities for people to travel and distribute shoes in developing countries.

Our wish for you is a life-changing experience shaped by the merging of cultures, building relationships and simply helping others.

Through our distribution trips to Haiti, Costa Rica, Honduras, India, Jamaica, and Tanzania (Africa)- we see a world of sustainability. Sustainable development achieved through sustainable relationships. You are the center of this vision. Your impact is immediately felt in the smiles and embraces you will receive from those we will serve. Your transformation is carried back into your daily life as you feel a true sense of connectedness that sets the foundation for your continued journey of sharing service, hope and joy for the rest of your life.

It starts here, in the simple yet profound act of handing out a pair of shoes, and it builds into a lifelong love of service to others that can reverberate and touch thousands of people.
This is your chance:

To follow on facebook to see what global destination is next, visit :

                                         A short video about the Travel4Souls experience

Warm Regards and safe travels,
  Maggi Thorne
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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