Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why the International Pageant has Heart

Besides the International Pageant system's commitment to celebrating women's accomplishments, I love that they have had such a strong alliance with the American Heart Association Go Red for Women movement. They help to fulfill the goal of bringing awareness that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women of women.

  Last Friday, February 7th was the official American Heart Association "Go Red" Day. International Pageant titleholders from all over the world went red in a BIG way! I could not be more proud to be part of such a wonderful system with so many women who are beautiful on the outside, inside and willing to be strong voices to help others.

 To find out more about what the International Pageant titleholders did to "Go Red", visit and make sure to Like their official facebook page!

I was also blown away when Soles4Souls rose to the occasion in a BIG way by having their International Headquarters "Go Red"

So how did I "Go Red"?
 Thursday night we started off with Lincoln's 3rd annual Red Dress Dash and the Governor of Nebraska Dave Heineman declaring a proclomation Friday Feb.7th the official "Wear Red" day
The news interview is here: Runners wear red for heart disease - KLKN TV

My picture with the Governor made the National AHA Go Red website!

A goal of the American Heart Association is to raise awareness with grassroots efforts and as the AHA Lincoln Passion Committee Co-Chair I pitched the idea to our local office to run for 10 hours in honor of the 10th anniversary of the "Go Red" Movement and away I went last friday starting at 6am.
I started out at 10/11 news, stopped by to see the wonderful physicians of Nebraska Heart Institute and made a few more quick stops to help others "Go Red". A collage is below of the day :)

Full news coverage can be found here:
Lincoln-Woman-to-Run-10-Hours-to-Raise-Awareness-of-Heart-Disease--244266861.html is one of the heart survivors in our family and one of the reason I got involved last year to help our family be heart healthy and know all of the facts. To find out more about how YOU can "Go Red", visit the AHA Go Red website

My father-in-law and Heart Survivor!

Here is to being a healthy you:)
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014,
Maggi Thorne

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