Saturday, September 14, 2013

Meeting a President

First, I an delighted and ecstatic to share some new with you...if you have drums near by, this warrants a drum roll (a desk and two pencils will work as well!)  Next year my family and I will be heading to Jacksonville, FL to compete for the title of Mrs. International 2014 as Mrs. Great Plains International 2014!!! Let the happy dance commence. This is possible with everyone who has been so encouraging, the International Pageant Family and Mary Richardson. This is a tremendous opportunity and over the coming weeks I will be sharing Team Thorne's new goals. Our family has recently faced some difficulties and it really shaped my direction in life. I reached a point of sheer mental exhaustion from the overwhelming emotions. I am now rested, the matter resolved and God reminded me that He made me with the will to Never Give Up!

On to the updates friends and I am glad to be writing to you again! I hope the start of your fall is lovely:)

Recently I had the honor of meeting a president. A woman president! Stacey D. Stewart, President of the United Way USA was in Lincoln to speak to a large captive audience and even had a chance to visit a few places in Lincoln and learn about our great city. She spoke about community challenge and the heart of a community can start with one person. We cannot wait for government to bring change, be active and be involved. I am sure everyone in the room walked away motivated to serve and connect with all around us.

After she spoke to the audience, we were able to connect and discuss opportunities for partnerships and one of my favorite topics....running! Stacey has a beautiful heart to serve others and it was amazing to get the opportunity to share my background story, and hear her's and what her passion's are. She has two daughters as well and we discussed the importance of being encouraging and re-affirming to not only our girls, but girls all over the country. This piece of information is important as you will see in upcoming blog's. United Way is a great organization and with a woman like Stacey and her excellent leadership, there are many great things to come and lives to be changed.

Husker fans and sports fans all over the Great Plains, enjoy your weekend!

Warm Regards,
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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