Thursday, August 29, 2013

Builder of Buildings

This entry is dedicated the builder of buildings side of my life I have been entrusted with for the past 8 years after finishing my athletic career as a Nebraska Husker Trackster. Transitioning from Hurdles on the track to Hurdles on the job site was not an overnight transition. This week in time with all of our facility grand openings represents what has been a culmination of hours, days and years of extremely intense work, sacrifice, focus and the will to Never Give Up. 

 Starting out as a student worker, my primary role was labor work such as cleaning suites, seats and sod. I did everything from pick weeds on the track, vacuum suites to wiping down every last bleacher in the stadium. Some may not look at that role as an opportunity worth while, but I did due to being able to work in every athletic facility we had, meet most of our staff, learn what worked and didn't work about the buildings and get lots of hands on experience moving tables, chairs, hanging name it, day in and day out. As Frank Llyod Wright said, "You learn by Doing". 

    It offered a completely different perspective on our facilities and I soaked in all of the knowledge possible. One day Boyd Epley (founder of the National Strength and Conditioning Association) asked me if I would ever work in an office job. At the time I told him flat out "No Way" and that "I didn't like dressing up and wanted to live out my days in shorts, sweats and sneakers as a personal trainer and nutritionist". HA... and HA again. I remember this moment in time often when we had that discussion down to where we were standing, what and who was around us...every last detail. Once of those moments that imprints on your mind. I am thankful Boyd saw in me what I was not able to at that time. He believed in me and gave me the one thing I can only ever ask of anyone...He gave me a CHANCE. He would throw projects my way sometimes just to teach me indirectly, and some to see what capabilities I had been given. What he saw was drive and a love for the Huskers. 
Photo courtesy

  Since starting as an employee for NU, if I didn't know it, I didn't sleep until I did. That is the grace given to me from God, the ability to outlast and endure. Leading up to the opening of any building you find yourself sleepless and almost pacing making sure you have every last detail covered as much as possible. After all, this will be a team or staff's new home for many years to come. The Student Life Complex we opened in 2009 and Hendricks Training Complex in 2011 seem like a picnic compared to these last couple weeks.  Our team has been working literally days at a time focusing on the enormity of projects opening all at once along with the multiple events leading up to it. This is a very unique time in Nebraska History (and I am thankful to be a part of it).

   I would like to thank our Capital Planning and Construction Team, Juanita Carstens, Linda Ybarra, Diane Nietfeldt and the crew who left sleep in the dust, Chynna Hardy, Ben Huenemann and Brad Isham. A big thanks to the person who has been my boss for the last 7 years, Associate Athletic Director John Ingram for allowing me the opportunity to have such deep involvement in all of our projects and for his leadership while always working with integrity.

   My most important thanks to my husband Fred and kids who after a spring and summer of intense pageant involvement and continuing my work load simultaneously allowed me to continue at 500% to finish out these major construction projects over this last month. He has stood by my side since I started my career in athletics and been more supportive than I could lever pray for in everything I do. I know many may not understand the choices we make and sacrifices we commit to as a family, but we know we are living our calling and until God gives us further notice, it is full steam ahead friends!

  Fred has reminded me though calling him "Mr. Mom" is not ideal, so if anyone has a great catch phrase for my awesome husband, let me know. I am sure he would appreciate it!
  I could write for eons about building projects, but to close out, Never Give Up on any job dream (or ANY dream) you have and also be willing to live outside of your comfort zone so you don't miss an opportunity. Your dreams are waiting to be built, but no one will help you build them unless you start the project first.

Pictures from the East Stadium Grand Opening:
Left to right pictured is John Sampson, Regent Pat Clare, Governer Dave Heinemann, President James B. Milliken, NU Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst, Tom Osborne and Chancellor Harvey Perlman
The media and invited guests watching

The ribbon cutting inside for the Nebraska Athletic Performance Laboratory and the Center for Brain Biology and Behavior. Facilities that are the first of their kind in athletics!
The Moment After the Ribbon Cutting
My husband Fred and I after the ribbon cuttings

Additional links from Media :
Fox Sports
Sports Illustrated
NY Times
YAHOO Sports
Sports Business Daily
NBC News
San Francisco Chronicle
The Independent
UNL Today
Omaha World Herald
Big Red Today Randy York Insider

Devaney Center Improvement Project Remodel:

Panoramic view from concourse level
A very special moment when Head Coach John Cook did a surprise introduction in front of the 8,000 + fans

The tunnel walk as the team heads out to the court

Our "standard" custom locker complete with Microsoft surface tablets

Inside the volleyball girls locker room

Two down...last grand opening tonight. If you live in Lincoln, remember this time as it will most likely never occur for many years with such a trifecta of facilities occurring at one time. For Husker Nation, Go Big Red!

Maggi Thorne
This week signing off as the builder of buildings...
Assistant Director of Capital Planning and Construction

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