Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Real You

It is significant that our first astronauts, while being trained for their moon flights, were required to give twenty answers to the query, “Who are you?” Take the same test yourself. When you have made your list and run out of things to add, ask yourself if you have truly answered. Do you really know who you are? Scientists agree that our desperate search leads all humans to seek heroes and to imitate others, to “paste bits and pieces of other people on ourselves.” We make love as some actor would. We play golf in the style of Jack Nicklaus. Part of this process is natural, for we learn by imitating others. The tragedy is that the person we assemble is not genuine. “Who am I?” you cry as you roam the world looking for yourself. Consider this: there are three of you. There is the person you think you are. There is the person others think you are. There is the person God knows you are and can be through Christ.

My twenty answers to the query "Who are you?"...here is the Real Me:)
  1. I am a Believer
  2. I am Happy
  3. I am a Wife
  4. I am a Mother
  5. I am a Daughter
  6. I am a Sister
  7. I am a Friend
  8. I am a Servant
  9. I am Graceful
  10. I am an Advocate
  11. I am a Pageant Representative
  12. I am a Humanitarian
  13. I am a Seeker of Truth
  14. I am an Individual 
  15. I am Competitive
  16. I am Healthy
  17. I am an Athlete
  18. I am an Employee
  19. I am Ethical
  20. I am Dedicated

My favorite role...Mommy
 Have a wonderful week,
   Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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