Thursday, January 30, 2014

Another reason you should be "Going Red" besides Valentines Day this February

  Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women and kills more women than ALL cancers combined? It's true and most women aren't aware of the risks. Last year I had the honor of becoming one of the co-chairs for the first ever Passion Committee in Lincoln for the American Heart Association. The journey has been wonderful being able to help women and families live a healthy and active life because some day, their lives could be at risk...but heart disease is PREVENTABLE!

   My husband Fred's dad and grandfather have both battled heart disease since their 40's. After numerous heart surgeries and lifestyle changes, they are still going strong, but this means my husband is at extremely high risk. Our family does not have perfect diets, but we strive to live healthy and active using the American Heart Association tools and resources. This is not just for us, but for our kids and future generations to give them the gift of us being around and knowledge to live out their years healthy as well.

   February 7th is the American Heart Association Go Red Day and people across the nation will be "Going Red" to help raise awareness. There are numerous ways people can Go Red, and the more the merrier because by participating, YOU can change a life with the gift of knowledge that Heart Disease is the #1 killer of women. Simple :) Whether you are an individual, team, running buddies, workout buddies, a business, a family or even four legged furry friends, get out your red and snap your photo and post it with the following American Heart Association official Go Red Day hashtags:





To post your Go Red photos , visit here:

If you live in Lincoln,NE Thursday February 6th will be our "Red Dress Dash" which will be one mile from downtown to the state capital where Governor Dave Heineman will light it red in honor of Go Red Day. Full information can be found at this link or join the facebook invite here:

Below are a few more American Heart Association Healthy tips to get you started on a journey to a heart healthy you!

Don’t be Silent about the Silent Killer :)

Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014,

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