Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Storms of Life

Do you ever know when you are just supposed to do something regardless of what may be ahead? Tonight was one of those nights for me and I could not figure it out until about half way through what had happened.
   I came home from work, had dinner, played Toy Story Yahtzee with my kids, brushed their teeth and tucked them in for bed. Outside the wind was blowing, snow drifts swallowing the streets and more snow on it's way by the second...then it happened. Within minutes my sneakers were laced up, cold gear on and out the door I ran. Usually my run's are tracked, but tonight no phone in tow...just me, and the unbeaten path. Few roads are plowed, trails not even a speck of snow cleared. Wind blowing at 21 mph bringing the windchill temp to -17. 
   A mile or so into my run I realized sometimes we are called to face the storms of life when we least expect it. During the run it was a struggle trudging through the 6.5" of snow not knowing where my next step needed to be. I knew the path was below me somewhere and just had to keep having faith that I would continue to head in the right direction even thought it seemed hard at the time. 
  As my right eye froze shut ever so slightly around mile 3, the untouched snow drifts reflecting off of the moonlight captured me with their beauty. Even in the midst of life's storms when there may be pain, there is always beauty. We just have to keep our eyes (or one eye) out for it.
  I don't know if anyone reading this right now has a storm in life you are going through at the moment, but my run tonight was for you. Forge on the path untaken, run in the midst of it without fear, and with faith. Never Give Up!

Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014,
Maggi Thorne

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