Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The inaugural Blog

Welcome to my very first blog post (and thank you for viewing!).
 Although I am no stranger to social media, blogging has been saved until a certain goal was reached...and that goal happened last Thursday August 1st, 2013.

Last Thursday I completed twelve steps in a recovery book from Dr. Doug Weiss that is for helping you heal from a hurtful past and difficulty in marriage. I celebrated completing the step book and companion exercise book with ladies who have been with me every step of this journey via some delicious cupcakes, many hugs and a necklace that is a circle each women receives upon completing the steps.
Above is the picture of the pendant the group gave me, it is called the "journey" pendant. It is very fitting as the path that was chosen for me although a wee bit bumpy at times, has been an amazing journey. There have been many turns (maybe a few flat tires), but none the lone, one I am committed to. One that my husband is committed to as well. If you have been to my website and visited  The Long Haul you have an idea of our story. Although life might have been "easier" if at many points in time I had made the decision to give up, but "We are Stronger as a team than we would be on our own (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) and I made the specific decision to lay down my selfishness and choose not only God, but "us"....our marriage. Even through difficulty, I made (and still make) the conscious choice to Never Give Up! Our basic freedom in life is choice. What will you choose today?

Over the upcoming weeks I will be sharing what I learned from these books and the additional resources that have helped us from the International organization Family Life. Family Life offers Help for Today and Hope for tomorrow. In a world thirsty for Hope, Family Life stretches over 70 countries through radio, blogs, webcasts, seminars, DVD, MP3...you name it, they have it! I deeply appreciate an organization that is dedicated to having comprehensive resources for individuals in need of help and hope.

Weekly Re-Cap:

Last week the beginning of the week started with doing a  live TV Interview with the Omaha Morning Blend and hosts Mike and Mary. I was able to share about International Pageants and Family Life.

Pictured above with my son Charlie and hosts Mary Nelson and Mike DiGiacomo

Later in the week, I teamed up with the Salvation Army to help kids shop for much needed back to school items. Full pictures of the visit to Target. Click here to learn more about the Salvation Army program.

Thank you for taking the time to join our journey and I am grateful to be a part of yours!
Your Mrs. Nebraska International 2013, Maggi

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