Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Where is your ladder?

After coming back from competing for Mrs. International 2013 I have found myself in a deep period of evaluation. In my career whenever we build a facility, we look back and :

#1 Celebrate the accomplishment because there is no perfect building, nor a perfect person on earth, but there is much to give thanks for and point out the 98 things right instead of the couple things that just weren't exactly right.

#2 Start working on the "Next" and moving out of the "Now". In football as a receiver when you drop a pass, when you line back up for the next play, you move out of that moment and into the next. That can be your touchdown, but mentally you have to be ready for it. (Here I am talking like I have played football! As a coaches wife, trust me sometimes I get the urge to throw on some pads and get out on the field!!)

#3 Dream Big. REALLY BIG! The only limits set are what you set them to be.

My athletic pursuits and career have certainly helped shape me to be able to compete in pageants. The life lessons I continue to learn through construction and continued opportunities to lead have helped me to set and implement high reaching goals.

Just for a fun flash back, below is a picture from my last competitive track race in a collegiate setting when we ran an Alumni 4x400 Relay Race:)

As I was reading the weekly newsletter tonight from the People City Mission, this was posted in it:

"What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun?
Ecclesiastes 2:22

 Did you know that winning can sometimes be losing? Especially when you come to the top of your ladder of success only to discover it was leaning against the wrong wall. I have done this once and can testify it is a very discouraging experience. So I encourage you to make sure the goals to which you aspire are the ones that really matter in life. Because climbing ladders can be exciting, but you only get a couple of tries at them!"

What timing this note crawls it's way into my inbox! It is no joke that pageants can wear you out if you are not ready for it and if you do not have the right people around you. The friends and family who not only offer 100% support, but understand the bigger mission and give you grace for the time it takes. I am grateful every second of the day to have a support system of that kind that exists, specifically my husband Fred who has been more supportive than I could ever dream of. As we near mid-august and before we know it 2014 will be here I have found myself daily asking what is next? What will be that lasting impact that I am meant to fulfill? Much of our time has been in prayer and planning as our family soaked in the last few days of summer.

This week's focused part of the blog will wrap up here. Below are some added bits for fun, because who doesn't like having fun right? :)

And in case you are curious about what exactly is next? Well....stay posted friends...................

In case you and your family did not get in all the fun things you wanted to do this summer, here are some activities you can do this weekend to celebrate after the first week of school is over :)
50 Things to Do this Summer

Last upon Last. I get so many questions on writing workout plans and healthful meal plans that I will be including a active lifestyle short piece related to these topics.  In the Mrs. International Pageant system we support the Go Red for Women. Heart Disease is the #1 Killer for Women and physical inactivity increases your risks.

Here is a fun workout for anyone who loves a variety of activity and is already currently physically active. Go get em!


75 jumping jacks
Dynamic warm-up

Main Set:

75 burpees
30 squat tosses with sandbag
10-30 pistol squats each leg
10-30 pull-ups

Repeat x3



Enjoy your week!
Your Mrs. Nebraska International 2013

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