Friday, July 25, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes post part 6

Greetings friends!
  Today was an absolute blast and as you may be able to tell, a late night!  Today's post will be short and sweet as we have finals exciting!  Soles4Souls will be attending the finals and it will be great to see them in the audience♡ More pics to come in the weekend post wrap up!

Live your dreams and love people:)
Your Mrs. Great Plains International

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 5

   As much fun as it was seeing Jacksonville and St.Augustine yesterday, we spent today in interviews, rehearsal and then a red carpet gala.

 I love interviews, that unique opportunity to sit one on one with and share about Soles4Souls and why we partner together and what they do to wear our poverty. Never heard my why? Make sure to visit my facebook fan page to find out :) It is pinned to the top of the page and thank you again for joining this journey with us to wear out poverty.

Tomorrow is our first night onstage and what excitement awaits us! Hope to see you there, it is a beautiful theatre.

With Gratitude,
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Ready for interview
News Media Interview about the International Pageant System

Heading to rehearsal with Mrs. Russia International

Joey from Competitive Image who worked with me on my gown

The lovely Mrs. West Virginia International

TonedToWin President Chelsea Cooley Altman

My right, left and my heart. My amazing husband Fred :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 4

   Our first full day was wonderful. What a wonderful time to develop our friendships further with fellow contestants and hear about everyone's platforms they are passionate about.

We started early with breakfast at 7:30 am, but my day a bit earlier with a 5am wake-up for hair and makeup. Always an fun part of the journey being in the hair and makeup room :)

We departed for St. Augustine and took a historical trolly tour to see the city's rich history.
It was capped off by a trip to the infamous "fountain of youth". Everyone took a sip and it was a neat treat for our day.

Our morning rounded off with lunch to go and then an outlet center stop. The best part of the afternoon was touring the Jacksonville Jaguars Stadium!

Entering Jaguar stadium, we gathered together for a group picture

Locker room hallway
Locker room

Pool therapy

Nutrition Bar

I LOVED seeing this on my way out...NEVER GIVE UP!

Look forward to catching up with you tomorrow, warm wishes from Jacksonville!

Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 3

Greetings friends! Today was orientation day when we get to meet everyone.  The energy in the room was amazing and I it is wonderful to finally meet everyone we have been rooting for through social media. Let the 2014 International Pageants sisterhood begin :)

The one and ONLY Suzy Bootz. If only I could bottle up her wisdom :) She has been a great coach to work with.

Hair and makeup prep with Standout Salon...they are so nice and AMAZING!
My roommate!! Mrs. Arkansas International 2014 Dana Wessel. She is SO sweet and passionate about her cause of mentoring.

International Pageants really takes care of it's contestants. Our gift bags at orientation are lovely, so excited to proudly wear all of the gear!

Tomorrow is action packed with a tour of the amazing city of Jacksonville and even Jaguars stadium. This city has been very welcoming, I am excited to get out and greet the citizens!

 Our first rehearsel is also tomorrow, so the daily journey blog will be later. Hope your are up to enjoy in the excitement.

Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 2

   As the spokesperson for Soles4Souls, it is a daily responsibility and today was not exception. Even though we are in Jacksonville for Mrs. International, today time was prioritized to meeting with the Jacksonville Jaguars GM, Head Coach and PR Director.  The great thing about Soles4Souls is it is so easy any one can contribute and right now we are beginning to work with professional teams to Wear Out Poverty through the simple gift of used shoes.

NFL Jaguars Head Coach Gus Bradley

 We have another NFL team we are working with that we will announce soon and are so excited too!! Be on the lookout for who is next:)

The remainder of my day rounded out working with the one and only Chelsey Cooley Altman (aka Miss USA 2005) and president of Toned To Win. I was "in shape" before, but not necessarily healthy shape. They have literally transformed me and been amazing support on this journey!


Tomorrow is orientation and I look forward to finding out my contestant number!

Live you dreams!
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 1

After over 1,300 miles and 37 hours of travel, Jacksonville is my destination as Mrs. International 2014 kicks off.  I am beyond excited to be here for Soles4Souls and was able to make a stop at their Headquarters on the way here to drop off more shoes from people committed to Give Shoes and Give Love. This week is going to be alot of fun and new friends, here are a few pictures from the journey here and more to come daily as the week goes on!
 Thank you for joining my family and Soles4Souls on this journey to wear out poverty!
Maggi Thorne
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Our family gathering together before the long drive, my Team :)

Our car in the process of being loaded. Soles4Souls travel bad in tow of course :)

Road trip necessities
The car was so packed, we had to zip tie the clothing rod!

My perfect plate never leaves my side! Awesome way to live healthy

Soles4Souls HQ with Outreach Director Tiffany Johnson after delivering some shoes

2am arrival, but still full of energy. How can I not be :)

It is so handy to bring my own clothing rack so my roommate can take over the closet :)

Bedside must haves! Don't leave home without them

My husband made me this sweet sign as a pledge to our marriage. He is one amazing leader and husband!

To say I like to be organized is quite possibly an understate. I prefer prepared:) Every night when I go to bed, sweet notes and photo reminders of why I am here for Soles4Souls will sit over my head.

The Omni staff accicentally came knocking to my door thinking I was someone else and as a "oops, thanks for being understanding" , they sent me a sweet, sweet note and fresh fruit! What AMAZING hotel service.

A re-cap of the daily #Countdown #ByTheNumbers :)