Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 4

   Our first full day was wonderful. What a wonderful time to develop our friendships further with fellow contestants and hear about everyone's platforms they are passionate about.

We started early with breakfast at 7:30 am, but my day a bit earlier with a 5am wake-up for hair and makeup. Always an fun part of the journey being in the hair and makeup room :)

We departed for St. Augustine and took a historical trolly tour to see the city's rich history.
It was capped off by a trip to the infamous "fountain of youth". Everyone took a sip and it was a neat treat for our day.

Our morning rounded off with lunch to go and then an outlet center stop. The best part of the afternoon was touring the Jacksonville Jaguars Stadium!

Entering Jaguar stadium, we gathered together for a group picture

Locker room hallway
Locker room

Pool therapy

Nutrition Bar

I LOVED seeing this on my way out...NEVER GIVE UP!

Look forward to catching up with you tomorrow, warm wishes from Jacksonville!

Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

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