Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Final Leg - Behind the scenes Journey post 5

   As much fun as it was seeing Jacksonville and St.Augustine yesterday, we spent today in interviews, rehearsal and then a red carpet gala.

 I love interviews, that unique opportunity to sit one on one with and share about Soles4Souls and why we partner together and what they do to wear our poverty. Never heard my why? Make sure to visit my facebook fan page to find out :) It is pinned to the top of the page and thank you again for joining this journey with us to wear out poverty.

Tomorrow is our first night onstage and what excitement awaits us! Hope to see you there, it is a beautiful theatre.

With Gratitude,
Your Mrs. Great Plains International 2014

Ready for interview
News Media Interview about the International Pageant System

Heading to rehearsal with Mrs. Russia International

Joey from Competitive Image who worked with me on my gown

The lovely Mrs. West Virginia International

TonedToWin President Chelsea Cooley Altman

My right, left and my heart. My amazing husband Fred :)

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